The gym has been made into an international standard health facility with all sorts of modern equipment’s and also enriched with the newly introduced Treadmills.

Uttara Club Gym is an international standard gymnasium (gym) which you can rely on to trim tone and tighten your entire body. It covers a space of about 6,000 square feet. The gym offers separate exercise time for its male and female users.
The gym is located at a specialized building named The Health Complex with huge space. All the modern equipments are available at the gym including : Cycling, Pushup bar, Treadmill, Dumbbells, Cross Trainer, Stepper, Cross bar, Shoulder Press Machine, T Bar, Barbell Weight, Lat Pulldown, Body massage vibrator machine, Leg press Machine, Olympic bar bench Press, Olympic bench, Incline bar bench press etc.
Week Days Morning Session( Mixed)
Hour : 8:00:00 AM to 11:00:00 AM
Week Days Afternoon Session( Mixed)
Hour : 2:30:00 PM to 10:30:00 PM
All days except Friday, Saturday & Govt. Holiday( Exclusively for Female)
Hour : 11:00:00 AM to 2:30:00 PM
Friday, Saturday & Govt. Holiday( Family)
Hour : 8:00:00 AM to 10:30:00 AM
Contact With
Shamim Mia- 01734903649